Company Overview
PEO Advantage is a broker of Professorial Employer Organization (PEO) and Payroll services who work with a select group of companies based on their reputation, customer service and customer approval ratings.
Not all PEOs are created equal.
So with over 800 PEO Companies to choose from, where do you start? It’s very simple…you call PEO Advantage for a free consultation and based on our phone consultation and the completion of a Request For Proposal, we find a PEO that best fits your company needs.
Since we are compensated by the PEO there is no cost to you for our services, however PEO Advantage is involved with you throughout the onboarding process to assist in the data collection, submission and negotiation on your behalf.
PEO Advantage will not blast your Request for Proposal to a multitude of PEO’s to see what ‘sticks’ like some of the other brokers will do.
Outsourcing to a PEO allows business owners and managers to focus on expanding their business without worrying about payroll, tax filings, workers’ compensation insurance, health insurance and other compliance issues.
We have the expertise you’re looking for with over 60 years of experience, thousands of HR superstars, and more co-employed employees than any of our competitors. Through our PEO, ADP TotalSource®, you’ll experience:
- Comprehensive HR, talent, and compliance
- Fortune 500® caliber benefits
- HR specialists who are dedicated to your business
- Customized HR strategies and programs
- Powerful technology and data-driven insights
- Nationwide capabilities
You’re in business for yourself, not by yourself!